優衛立體外科手術防護口罩 (N95等級)


形 式:頭掛立體型或耳帶立體型
形 號:UN95-S
用 途:有效防止飛沫感染,阻隔細菌。
防護效果:細菌過濾效率(BFE) > 99%
次微米粒子防護效率 ≧ 95%
材 質:不織布
外 層:拒水材料,具有防水及防堵大顆粒飛沫的功能。
內 層:柔軟、舒適、親膚性佳。
符合 CNS 14774外科手術D2及CNS14755 D2等級國家標準
ISO 9001及 ISO 13485認證/台灣製造

This product is designed to fit facial contour with tight fit and little leak around the respirator edge.
This product is developed by Universal Incorporation in the corporation with a laboratory in the US having high filtration efficiency at low breathing resistance.
The integrity of the respirator is maintained without collapsing during inhalation by the special structure of the material.
Therefore, the breathability is not altered when inhaling, talking, or head moving.

Type:3D shape with ear loop or head straps
Model no.:UN95-S
Function:Prevent of spit infection and block bacteria.
Protection Effects:Bacteria Filtration Efficiency > 99%.
Sub-micron Filtration Efficiency ≧ 95%
Pass Synthetic Blood Penetration test at 80mmHg
Materials:Non-woven Fabrics
The outside layer and the inside layer of the respirator are made of hydrophobic material while the outside layer is made such that
to block liquid or large droplets. The middle layer of this respirator is made of advanced electrostatically-charged microfibers that
contribute to the high filtration efficiency while the charges are retained for a lengthy period of time.
Registration No.:MHW-MD No.007173.
Certified to CNS 14774 Surgical Respirator D2 and CNS 14755 D2
ISO 9001 & ISO 13485 Certificate/ Made in Taiwan