智能溫控技術 双機制『涼感紡織品』

僅針對單一氣候與應用情境下提供單一功能,如夏天吸濕排汗、冬天蓄熱保溫,無法因應外部氣候所造成之優勢、進一步優化涼感降溫的最新解決。織物面料應用此溫控技術(hydro-function),可賦予織物能主動應答體溫變化的能力。當人體感到炎熱時,能即時啟動降溫功能,並達到人體適宜溫度時,則自動停止 (Activated cooling—cool you just right )。 智能溫控技術可主動因應溫度變化調節水分蒸發速率,讓穿著者在一日氣溫多變的情況下感受到涼爽、舒適,如下圖所示。智能涼感溫控技術可滿足消費者期待之需求-瞬間接觸涼感《涼得快》及持續降溫涼感《涼得久》。

Cooling starts when the body is hot . The bio-based vegetable oil-derived thermo-functional polymer absorbs heat energy. giving an instant cooling sensation.

If the body continues to heat up, perspiration is generated and the patented smart polymer transports moisture away together with the heat.
creating a continuous cooling effect that stops once cooling is complete.
(Activated cooling—cool you just right )