YN-405 KF94 4D立體兒童醫療用口罩 KF94 4D Children medical mask

♦ 通過國家標準CNS14774規範

♦ 品名: "永猷" 立體醫療用口罩 (未滅菌)

♦ 衛部醫器製壹字第007080號

♦ 細菌過濾效率 BFE≧95%

♦ 壓差 (mmH2Ocm²) ≦5

♦ 通過SGS皮膚敏感性及皮膚刺激試驗,本產品不刺激皮膚不造成過敏反應

♦ 顏色:森林綠、淡橙橘、淡靛藍、靚蜜粉

♦ 尺寸:兒童立體口罩本體約長17.5X寬8公分

♦ 適用範圍醫療院所、學校機關、公共場所、環境清潔、一般灰塵和飛塵等防護等



♦ Matched the CE EN14683 Type II standard

♦ High 99% BFE (Bacterial Filtration Efficiency) at 2.8 micron with low breathing resistance for protection against airborne particles

♦ Soft lining and fiberglass free materials provide excellent wearing comfort

♦ Surface layer with water resistance material provides an ideal shielding from penetration of liquid (eg blood, saliva)

♦ Encapsulated nose piece prevents metal wire stick out from the mask

♦ Ear loop is made of synthetic rubber (latex free)

♦ Round design makes wearing more comfortable especially for long hour wearing

♦ Sonic-welded ear-loop technique provides better hygienic product term

♦ Suitable for dental procedures, surgery, operation, food factories, electronic industries

♦ Color: forest green, light orange, sea blue, pretty powder

♦ Size: 17.5*8 cm


Because of the shooting environment/camera parameters/screen settings and quality of each computer, the photos on display will affect the color of the presentation. It is inevitable that there will be color differences and differences by personal sensory perception.