YN-603 高效能絕塵運動型口罩 Motor/Sport/Anti-Pollution Ultimate Mask

♦ 台灣製造活性碳層﹐可有效去除臭味及有機氣體

♦ 過濾材質採用歐規FFP2、美規NIOSH N95相同等級之材質

♦ 雙向排氣閥, 促進呼氣順暢,減少眼鏡起霧

♦ 內層超細纖維可吸收汗水、油脂﹐增加穿戴時的舒適感。

♦ 適用於機車騎士、腳踏車騎士、滑雪、市區慢跑等。

♦ 通用顏色﹕黑、紅色﹔顏色及花樣可接受定做。



♦ Filtering media is constructed by N95 filtering materials.

♦ Filtering Efficiency: 95% above.

♦ Loaded with high performance Active-Carbon layer helps filtering odorous and organic vapors and purifying the air.

♦ 2 exhalation valves make breathing easier and reduce hot air/water vapor/carbon dioxide build up.

♦ Neoprene coat with contoured and sport design not only increases comfort but also fashion concept.

♦ Great for all urban activities such as motorcycling, cycling, jogging, skateboarding, road training and speed walking.

♦ Filtering media can be replaced.

♦ Additional active media is available for order.


Because of the shooting environment/camera parameters/screen settings and quality of each computer, the photos on display will affect the color of the presentation. It is inevitable that there will be color differences and differences by personal sensory perception.