YN-707C P1/2/3 杯型微細粉塵專用口罩 歐規EN149:2001 FFP1/2/3 NR YN-707C P1/2/3 Respirators with Pre-shaped Nose Design

♦ 微細粉塵過濾效果>80%

♦ 可過濾乾性及油性微細顆粒

♦ 適用於化工業,木材業,穀物加工業玻璃纖維/岩棉,紡織業,建築工地,汽車研磨,船業研磨等

♦ Protection against non-toxic solid and liquid aerosols (e.g. oil mists) in concentrations up to 4.5 x MAC/OEL/TLV or 4 x APF.

♦ Exhalation valve makes breathing easier and reduces hot air build up

♦ Pre-shaped nose design increases the user's comfort and acceptance

♦ Latex free head straps minimize the possibility of skin allergy

♦ Special contour design has better fit and reduces leakage

♦ It ensures the compatibility of glasses/goggles and decrease fogging

♦ Recommended applications: mining work, welding work, craft work, iron and steel (metal) industry, textile industry, hospital, laboratory

♦ Primary advantages: highly efficient filtrating with low breathing resistance, long duration, maintenance free

♦ Option: There are YN-7023VP2 (FFP2) & YN-7023VP3 (FFP3).