臺灣區不織布工業同業公會 Logo


自1989年開始,由第五、六屆理事長戴榮吉組織成立國際組織--中、日、韓三國不織布協會(Asia Nonwoven Industrial Corporation,簡稱ANIC),2001年ANIC改組為亞洲區不織布協會(Asia Nonwoven Fabrics Association,簡稱ANFA),成員改由企業組成並使區域擴及東南亞,目前有來自中國各區、日本、韓國、台灣、印度、新加坡、印尼、泰國等國家的企業會員,台灣是亞洲不織布協會ANFA創始會員國之一。
現任第十五屆理事長由友麗工業有限公司 陳世中總經理擔任,會址: 台灣台北市中正區愛國東路22號4樓,網址:www.nonwoven.org.tw電話:886-2-23412212電郵:tnfiaroc@ms24.hinet.net聯絡人:黃稚評 秘書長。

Taiwan Nonwoven Fabrics Industry Association (TNFIA) is a trade association representing nonwoven interests in Taiwan. Our membership includes manufacturers and converters of nonwovens and suppliers.
TNFIA was founded in 1978 and has 130 member companies now. Including 59 Nonwoven makers, 29 Nonwoven Develop factories, 26 nonwoven machinery factories and 16 nonwoven material suppliers; expect 1 support member. Our membership represents approximately two-thirds of the companies that produce and convert nonwovens in Taiwan. TNFIA’s primary income is membership dues. We have a good friendship with overseas nonwoven associations.
TNIFA’s new goals are the following:
1. More actively represent the nonwoven interests in Taiwan by offering needed benefits, uniting the membership and attracting new member companies.
2. Stimulate the growth of the association and the member companies by gaining substantial support from the government official and other related institutions.
3. Help our companies gain the competitive edge by establishing strong relationships with government management officials, research institutions and manufacturers of chemicals, fibers machinery and equipment.
4. Enhance contacts with overseas nonwoven institutions through participation in their activities such as exhibitions, conventions and symposia.

4F., No. 22, Aiguo E. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100408, Taiwan
TEL:886-2-2341-2212 FAX:886-2-3343 3162
Chairman: Shih-Chung, Chen Secretary General: Chih-Ping, Huang
E-Mail: tnfiaroc@24.hinet.net WEBSITE: www.nonwoven.org.tw

